About US - Creative World Furniture

About Us

Creative World in Vishal Mega Mart, MDA Colony, Deen Dayal Nagar-244001

Live furniture making process.

We've completed more than 215 orders this year!

We started our journey in 2015 and ever since, We have ensured that the customer remains at the centre of our business operations and philosophy.

About us

Plywood. The first use of it was in the backs of wardrobes and bottoms of drawers, but it gradually expanded to other flat parts of the furniture and encouraged designers to use flat shapes more often. A novel use of it started with the invention of bent plywood, by Alvar Aalto and others. Chipboard. Its rigidity allows doing without the frame and also suits well to do-it-yourself marketing. It favors box-shaped design and like plywood it can be handled with normal wood-working machines.

The use of furniture entails risks of accident, especially to small children and elderly people. However, there are serviceable methods for studying, systematizing and analyzing the accidents related with furniture and for defining necessary measures for avoiding them. The approaches are similar for nearly all products, and a selection of them is reported on the page Safety of products. Furniture refers to movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (e.g., stools, chairs, and sofas), eating (tables), storing items, eating and/or working with an item, and sleeping (e.g., beds and hammocks). Furniture is also used to hold objects at a convenient height for work (as horizontal surfaces above the ground, such as tables and desks), or to store things (e.g., cupboards, shelves, and drawers). Furniture can be a product of design and can be considered a form of decorative art. In addition to furniture's functional role, it can serve a symbolic or religious purpose. It can be made from a vast multitude of materials, including metal, plastic, and wood. Furniture can be made using a variety of woodworking joints which often reflects the local culture.

A range of unique stone furniture has been excavated in Skara Brae, a Neolithic village in Orkney, Scotland The site dates from 3100 to 2500 BCE and due to a shortage of wood in Orkney, the people of Skara Brae were forced to build with stone, a readily available material that could be worked easily and turned into items for use within the household. Each house shows a high degree of sophistication and was equipped with an extensive assortment of stone furniture, ranging from cupboards, dressers, and beds to shelves, stone seats, and limpet tanks. The stone dresser was regarded as the most important as it symbolically faces the entrance in each house and is therefore the first item seen when entering, perhaps displaying symbolic objects, including decorative artwork such as several Neolithic carved stone balls also found at the site. The earliest used seating furniture in the dynastic period was the stool, which was used throughout Egyptian society, from the royal family down to ordinary citizens. Various different designs were used, including stools with four vertical legs, and others with crossed splayed legs; almost all had rectangular seats, however.

The earliest used seating furniture in the dynastic period was the stool, which was used throughout Egyptian society, from the royal family down to ordinary citizens. Various different designs were used, including stools with four vertical legs, and others with crossed splayed legs; almost all had rectangular seats, however.